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Archive for the Uncategorized Category

You’re Wearing a Hearing Aid?!

As hearing professionals, we frequently notice people wearing aids in public situations, such as at sporting events or the airport.  Mostly, because it’s our profession, but also because hearing aids of the past have been so big and noticeable, and we put great emphasis on the word […]

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Mythbusters: Hearing Aids

  For many, it takes years of struggles with misunderstanding speech in conversations, not hearing in noisy social settings and difficulties listening on the phone before they seek help with a hearing aid.  Yet, several days of strife may have been averted had a hearing aid been […]

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Are You AMP’ed for Better Hearing?

Not everyone is ready for a hearing aid, we understand that.  On average, a person waits  five to seven after initially recognizing hearing loss before making a hearing aid purchase. Many get by with various mechanisms — lip reading or standing on a certain side to favor […]

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Six Symptoms of Hearing Loss for Caregivers

Caregivers deserve a hand. And they deserve a helping hand-up to aid with the challenges of attending to the life needs of those near and dear to them. As hearing loss can mimic symptoms of many  other afflictions, if you are providing support for a loved one, […]

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Hearing Loss and the Open Road

It’s summer and the livin’ is easy. It’s that time for long days at the lake, trips to the beach and open cruising along America’s byways and highways. There’s not much better on a nice day than opening the car windows or rolling back the rag top. […]

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Hearing Aids Ain’t Eyeglasses – Dr. Ted Talks Audiology

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5 Steps to Better Hearing

Having a hearing loss is not something that anyone gets excited about.  However, with the right attitude and approach, it can actually be a very manageable condition to care for.   In our years of caring for those with hearing loss, we have seen time and time again […]

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Buying New Hearing Aids – Top 10 List for Buyers

Buying a hearing aid is an important decision on many levels as it is an investment in both money and time.  However, the benefits one can gain from improved hearing will outweigh those investments on a daily basis.  Therefore it is important to take the right approach […]

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Welcome to Our Blog!

Welcome, since this post will be the first of many to come we wanted to start by laying out the goal for this new section of our website.  With all of the confusion and conflicting messages that exist today around the impacts of hearing loss, what hearing […]

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Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss – Dr. Ted Talks Audiology

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